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Researcher Profiles: Researcher Registry - ORCID

Create and manage your researcher profile
ORCID®: The Online Research Contributor Identifier

This is a free, non-profit, community-based registry and allows researchers to create a unique author identifier, and maintain and manage their record of research output.

  • Sign-up for a free ORCID iD
  • Integrate any other profile account you have and import references from other publisher registries like Publons (Web of Science) and SCOPUS (Elsevier).
  • Google Scholar profile information needs to be uploaded as there is no integration for this.
  • Complete as much of the profile as you can. This will make it easier for other researchers to discover you.

Create and manage an ORCiD research profile, Charles Sturt University

Search and Link

Use Search and Link Wizards to populate list of publications

To add works to your ORCID record using this option, you will need to grant access to the relevant organization and enable integration.

  1. Select the preferred platforms from the dropdown list (Add works)
  2. Follow prompts to grant access to your ORCID record (this will connect you to the selected platform)
  3. Select the works from the platform to add to your ORCID record 
  4. Works added this way will display the relevant organization as the source of the item

5. To upload publications from your Google Scholar profile, first export to BibTeX and upload on ORCID using option "Import BibTeX"