MBZUAI eCommons is part of the bepress Digital Commons Network which collates scholarly articles from universities and colleges worldwide. Curated and posted by university libraries and deposited by an institution's community, the Network includes peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work of an institution's authors and their coauthors and collaborators.
The MBZUAI community is encouraged to submit research, discover content by a department's output, or by affiliated authors and coauthors, limit a search to MBZUAI repositories, or search content on different Digital Commons repositories.
The purpose of the institutional repository remains to curate and preserve an institution's research output and make it available free of charge to a broader community, however if an open access version is not currently available, a link to a published version of the document is provided.
MBZUAI library will accept contributions from MBZUAI scholars for the deposit of scholarly works in the university's institutional repository
For more information please see Submission Guidelines and information on Open Access & Copyright, available on this guide.
MBZUAI Digital Library will curate and showcase the academic output of its students
For more information please see Submission Guidelines available on this guide and the Graduate Thesis Guide
MBZUAI Digital Library will curate and host for public access, publications that document significant activities and events in the development of MBZUAI, and that provide a permanent history of the university.
The selection and submission of materials for community and public access is the responsibility of each administrative and academic department, and items may include: